Evelyn Naik


Evelyn Naik. We knew nothing about him, or his views.

When I found out that Naik had written a book arguing people should be killed for apostasy – or, if not “shocked” by it, they should be punished the way he said they should be punished – then I got so angry at him that I decided to research his views a bit more deeply. His writings are extremely hard to find online, mostly from a blog called Global Research. However, that’s fine by me, because this is some of the most despicable, violent material you’ll ever read, and I wanted to see what Naik actually has to say.

His anti-gay stance comes from a book called Homosexuality: A Scientific Critique, the book where his hatred for homosexuals was documented in all sorts of horrible detail. He said in the book that gays are “virus-like.” That is of course false. What he’s actually saying is that they are a social parasite, and once they are infecting the minds of others then they are effectively free to do as they please.

After finding that out, his rhetoric has got a whole lot more violent. Here’s one passage from that book:

There is no way to explain homosexuality in any other way, and the only reason anybody considers homosexuality any different from heterosexuality is in his or her ignorance at best and cruelty at worst. Homosexuality is nothing more than the pursuit of sexual satisfaction by people born homosexual or by people who are homosexual – men or women. It is a manifestation of a selfish urge, and it can not fail.

In other words: homosexuals are the plague in this world, and people who come from heterosexuals shouldn’t be held responsible for that.

His anti-Muslim stance can best be summed up as saying, “Muslims are killing me! Give me the keys to my paradise while I am at it.” He believes that Muslims want to kill Jews and Christians the way Jesus was killed. In fact, every religion has its holy book that says kill the Jews and Christians, and his is the one from the Book of Moses. To be precise, it was in a chapter called The Call and the Determination, so let’s go through it from left to right, and I’ll leave the text for others to write down.

Muhammad’s life was very brutal. His father, Uday, was an evil man who

Evelyn Naik

Location: Dhaka , Bangladesh
Company: Fomento Economico Mexicano